Giovanni Liotti

Dr Giovanni Liotti, MD (né en 1945). Psychiatre et psychothérapeute, il enseigne actuellement à l’Ecole Post-Graduée de Psychothérapie APC à Rome, Italie, ainsi qu’à l’Ecole Post-Graduée de Psychothérapie de l’Université Salaisienne à Rome, Italie. Il s’intéresse aux applications cliniques de la théorie de l’attachement, exprimé en premier lieu dans un livre co-écrit avec V.F. Guidano (Cognitive processes and emotional disorders, Guilford Press, 1983). Il s’est focalisé pendant les trente dernières années sur les liens entre le traumatisme, la dissociation et la désorganisation de l’attachement. Pour ses contributions à cette thématique, le Dr. Liotti a reçu en 2005 le Pierre Janet’s Writing Award (The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation) et en 2006 le International Mind and Brain Award (Université de Turin, Italie).
Nous avons invité Giovanni a faire une intervention sur le thème Attachement désorganisé, trauma complexe et dissociation, en octobre 2016.
Livres – co-auteurs
- Guidano, V., & Liotti, G. (1983) Cognitive processes and emotional disorders. New York:Guilford Press.
Journal articles and chapters in edited books
- Liotti G (1989) Attachment and cognition. In C. Perris, I. Blackburn, H. Perris (Eds.), The theory and practice of cognitive psychotherapy. New York: Springer.
- Liotti, G. (1991) Patterns of attachment and the assessment of interpersonal schemata: Understanding and changing difficult patient-therapist relationships in cognitive psychotherapy.Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 5: 105-114.
- Liotti, G. (1992) Disorganized/ disoriented attachment in the etiology of the dissociative disorders. Dissociation, 5: 196-204.
- Liotti, G. (1993) Disorganized attachment and dissociative experiences: An illustration of the developmental-ethological approach to cognitive therapy. In K.T. Kuehlvein & H. Rosen (Eds.) Cognitive therapies in action (pp.213-239). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Liotti G. (1995) Disorganized / disoriented attachment in the psychotherapy of the dissociative disorders. In S. Goldberg, R. Muir, J. Kerr (Eds), Attachment Theory: Social, developmental and clinical perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press. (pp. 343-363).
- Liotti G. (1999) Understanding the dissociative processes: The contribution of attachment theory. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 19: 757-783.
- Liotti G. (1999) Disorganized attachment and dissociative psychopathology: The contribution of attachment theory. In J. Solomon, C. George (Eds.) Attachment Disorganization. New York: Guilford.
- Liotti G. (2000) Disorganized attachment, models of borderline states, and evolutionary psychotherapy. In P. Gilbert, K. Bailey (Eds.) Genes on the couch: Essays in evolutionary psychotherapy. Hove: Psychology Press.
- Liotti, G. (2004) Trauma, dissociation and disorganized attachment: three strands of a single braid. Psychotherapy: Theory, research, practice, training,41: 472-486.
- Liotti, G. (2006) A model of dissociation based on attachment theory and research. Journal of trauma and dissociation , 7: 55-74.
- Liotti, G. & Intreccialagli, B. (2003) Disorganized attachment, motivational systems and metacognitive monitoring in the treatment of a patient with borderline syndrome. In M. Cortina &
- M. Marrone (Eds.) Attachment theory and the psychoanalytic process. London: Whurr. (pp. 356-381).
- Liotti, G., Mollon, P. & Miti, G. (2005) Dissociative disorders. In G. Gabbard, J. Beck & J. Holmes (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Liotti G., Pasquini, P. & The Italian Group for the Study of Dissociation (2000) Predictive factors for borderline personality disorder: Patients’ early traumatic experiences and losses suffered by the attachment figure. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 102: 282-289.
- Migone, P. & Liotti, G. (1998) Psychoanalysis and cognitive-evolutionary psychology: An attempt at integration. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 79: 1071-1093.
- Pasquini, P., Liotti, G. et. al. (2002) Risk factors in the early family life of patients suffering from dissociative disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 105: 110-116.
- Sloman, L. Atkinson, L., Milligan, K. & Liotti, G. (2002) Attachment, social rank, and affect regulation: Speculations on an ethological approach to family interaction. Family Process, 41: 479-493.
Research experience
- Jan 2010– present : Washington School of Psychiatry, USA · Washington, D. C.
- Jan 2009– present : University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom · Aberdeen
- Jan 2006–Dec 2009 : Scuola Cognitiva di Firenze, Italy · Florence
- Jan 2002– present : University of Toronto · Department of Psychiatry, Canada · Toronto
- Jan 2000– Jan 2015 : Invited Professor Università Pontificia Salesiana · Psychology (Post-graduate School of Psychotherapy) Italy · Roma Lectures on adult disorders related to childhood psychological trauma (ten hours each year).
Teaching experience
- Jan 2004–present : Università Pontificia Salesiana · Post-Graduate School of Psychotherapy Italy · Roma