Ad De Jongh

Ad de Jongh, Ph.D. est psychologue clinicien et dentiste. Il est professeur pour les troubles anxieux et les troubles du comportement à l’Université d’Amsterdam. Il est par ailleurs professeur honoraire de l’Ecole des Sciences de la Santé de l’Université Salford de Manchester (Grande Bretagne), directeur du Centre de Psychothérapie et Trauma Psychique à Bilthoven, formateur confirmé de l’association EMDR Europe, membre du bureau de l’Association EMDR des Pays Bas (VEN), et membre des comités scientifiques de l’Association EMDR Europe et de l’Association Internationale d’EMDR (EMDRIA). Il est un des experts mondiaux dans le champ de la phobie dentaire. Il est (co) auteur de plus de 250 articles scientifiques et chapitres de livres et a écrit 6 livres sur le traitement des troubles anxieux. Il fait également partie du bureau de conseil scientifique de la Fondation Internationale des traumatismes de guerre (WIFI).
Nous avons invité Ad à faire une formation Traitement des peurs et des phobies avec l’EMDR : Évaluation, conceptualisation et stratégies de traitement, en mai 2014.
Ad de Jong est (co) auteur de plus de 250 articles scientifiques et chapitres de livres en hollandais, allemand, anglais et français.
Il a également écrit 6 livres sur le traitement des troubles anxieux.
Bibliographie non exhaustive des livres et articles parus en anglais et en français
- Merckelbach, H., Hogervorst, E., Kampman, M., & de Jongh, A. (1994). Effects of ‘ »eye movement desensitization » on emotional processing in normal subjects. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 22(4), 331-335. doi:10.1017/S1352465800013217.
- de Jongh, A., ten Broeke, E., & van der Meer, K. (1995). Eine neue entwicklung in der behandlung von angst und traumata: “Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)” [A new development in the treatment of anxiety and trauma: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)]. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie und Psychotherapie, 43(3), 226-233.
- De Jongh & Ten Broeke – 1998 – Traumatic Memories with EMDR: A Case Study
- Rouanzoin, C. C., Bresler, D., Doctor, R. S., Fensterheim, H., Heber, R., Hofmann, A., de Jongh, A., & Shapiro, F. (1998, December). EMDR: Overcoming controversy and distortion. The California Psychologist, 31(12), 14.
- De Jongh – 1999 – Treatment of Specific Phobias with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Protocol, Empirical Status, and Conceptual Issues
- De Jongh – 1999 – EMDR et traitement des phobies
- Smyth, N. J., Greenwald, R., de Jongh, A. Figley, C. R., Leeds, A. M., Tinker Wilson, A., & van der Kolk, B. A. (2000 , October). EMDR for the treatment of PTSD & Further discussion of EMDR for treatment of PTSD. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 61(10), 784-785.
- Peterson, G., Smyth, N., Greenwald, R., de Jongh, A., & Lee, C. (2000, October). EMDR for treatment of PTSD. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 61(10), 784-785.
- Smyth N. J., Greenwald R., de Jongh A., & Lee, C. (2000, October). The expert consensus guideline series: Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: Commentary. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 61(Supplement 10), 784-785.
- De Jongh – 2002 – Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in the Treatment of Specific Phobias : Four Single-Case Studies on Dental Phobia
- de Jongh, A., van den Oord, H., & ten Broeke, E. (2002, December). Efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in the treatment of specific phobias: Four single-case studies on dental phobia. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(12), 1489-1503. doi:10.1002/jclp.10100.
- ten Broeke, E., & de Jongh, A. (2003). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. In N. Nicolai (Ed.), Handboek psychotherapie na seksueel misbruik, druk 1 (pp. 179-199). Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
- De Jongh Ad & Ten Broeke Erik – 2007 – Le traitement des phobias spécifiques par l’EMDR (conceptualisation – stratégies de sélection des souvenirs) – Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, volume 1, Number 1, 2007 – Traduction : Gérard Poussin, en mars 2008 – Révision : François Mousnier-Lompré
- de Roos, C., & de Jongh, A. (2008). EMDR treatment of children and adolescents with a choking phobia. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2(3), 201-211. doi:10.1891/1933-3196.2.3.201.
- Wanders, F., Serra, M., & de Jongh, A. (2008). EMDR versus CBT for children with self-esteem and behavioral problems: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2(3), 180-189. doi:10.1891/1933-3196.2.3.180.
- de Jongh, A. (2009). EMDR and specific fears: The phobia protocol. In M. Luber (Ed.), Eye movement desensitization (EMDR) scripted protocols: Special populations (pp. 575-610). New York: Springer Publishing Co.
- De jongh – 2009 – EMDR and the Anxiety Disorders
- de Jongh, A., & ten Broeke, E. (2009). EMDR and the anxiety disorders: Exploring the current status. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 3(3), 133-140. doi:10.1891/1933-3196.3.3.133.
- Jacobs, S., Rackowitz, M., Strack, M., & de Jongh, A. (2009). EMDR und biofeedback in der behandlung der posttraumatischen belastungsstorung – Erweiterung der evaluation des neuropsychotherapeutischen behandlungsprogramms [EMDR and biofeedback in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder – extension of the evaluation of the neuropsychological treatment program]. In S. Jacobs, (Hrsg.), Neurowissenschaften und Traumatherapie. Grundlagen und Behandlungskonzepte [Neurosciences and Trauma Therapy, Bases and treatment approaches] (pp. 51-81). Göttingen: Universitätsverlag.
- De Jongh – 2010 – Usefulness of a Trauma-Focused Treatment Approach for Travel Phobia
- De Jongh – 2010 – Two Method Approach: A Case Conceptualization Model in the
- De Jongh – 2010 – Approche des deux methodes : un modèle de conceptualisation de cas dans le contexte de l’EMDR
- de Jongh, A., ten Broeke, E., & Meijer, S. (2011). Approche des deux méthodes: Un modèle de conceptualisation de cas dans le contexte de l’EMDR. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 4(1), 12–21. doi:10.1891/1933-3196.5.1.E12.
- Mevissen, L., Lievegoed, R., & de Jongh, A. (2010, March). EMDR treatment in people with mild ID and PTSD: 4 cases. Psychiatric Quarterly, 82(1), 43-57. doi:10.1007/s11126-010-9147-x.
- ter Heide, F. J. J., Mooren, T. M., Kleijn, W., de Jongh, A., & Kleber, R. J. (2011, August). EMDR versus stabilisation in traumatised asylum seekers and refugees: Results of a pilot study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2, 5881. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v2i0.5881.
- Mevissen, L., Lievegoed, R., Seubert, A., & de Jongh, A. (2011, December). Do persons with intellectual disability and limited verbal capacities respond to trauma treatment?. Journal Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 36(4), 274-279.
- de Jongh, A., & ten Broeke, E. (2011). Handboek EMDR : Een geprotocolleerde behandelmethode voor de gevolgen van psychotrauma [EMDR handbook : A protocol treatment for the effects of psychological trauma]. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Nijdam, M. J., Gersons, B. P. R., Reitsma, J. B., de Jongh, A., & Olff, M. (2012, March). Brief eclectic psychotherapy v. eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: Randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 200(3), 224-231. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.111.099234.
Principales interventions
Liste non-exaustive des interventions d’Ad de Jongh
- Solomon, R., & de Jongh, A. (1996, July). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Presentation at the World congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Copenhagen.
- de Jongh, A. (1998, November). Behandeling van traumagerelateerde fobieën [Treatment of trauma-related phobias]. Presentatie bij de zondeval Conferentie Vereniging van Gedragswetenschappen, Veldhoven, Nederland.
- de Jongh, A. (1999, June). The application of EMDR in the treatment of specific phobias. Presentation at the annual meeting of the EMDR International Association, Las Vegas, NV.
- Smyth, N., de Jongh, A., Greenwald, R., Reves, L. A., & Rogers, S. (1999, June). The future of EMDR clinical research: Where are we? Where do we next need to go?. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the EMDR International Association, Las Vegas, NV.
- de Jongh, A. (1999, November). Behandeling van traumagerelateerde specifieke fobieën [Treatment of trauma-related specific phobias]. Presentatie bij de zondeval Conferentie Vereniging van Gedragswetenschappen, Veldhoven, Nederland.
- de Jongh, A. (2000, May 6). Approaches to using EMDR for the treatment of phobias. Presentation at the annual meeting of the EMDR Europe Association, Utrecht, Netherlands.
- de Jongh, A., & ten Broeke, E. (2001, March). An efficient way of targeting traumatic material. EMDRIA Newsletter, 6(1), 4.
- de jongh, A., & van de Oord, H. J. M. (2002). Efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in the treatment of specific phobias: Four single-case studies in dental phobia. Presentation at the 80th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, San Diego, CA.
- de Jongh, A., & ten Broeke, E. (2002, May). Conceptual framework for EMDR interventions. Presentation at the annual meeting of the EMDR Europe Association, Frankfurt, Germany.
- de Jongh, A. (2003, May). Anxiety Disorders – Treatment of phobias with EMDR. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the EMDR Europe Association, Rome, Italy.
- de Roos, C. J. A. M., Noorthoorn, E. O., Greenwald, R., & de Jongh, A. (2004, June). A controlled comparison of EMDR and CBT for children and adolescents exposed to the Enschede fireworks disaster in the Netherlands. In children and EMDR (J. Morris-Smith). Symposium conducted at the EMDR Europe Association annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
- de Roos, C., Greenwald, R., Noorthoorn, E., & de Jongh, A. (2004, November). EMDR vs. CBT for disaster-exposed children: A controlled study. Presentation at the 20th annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, New Orleans, LA.
- de Jongh, A. (2005, June). Could EMDR be a promising treatment in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic incident?. In « EMDR in action. » Part 2. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the EMDR Europe Association, Brussels, Belgium.
- de Jongh, A. (2005, November). Angstjes, angsten en fobieën: Hoe pak je het simpel aan met EMDR? [Anxiety, fears and phobias: How to go about it simple with EMDR?]. Presentatie op de eerste congres van de Vereniging EMDR Nederland, Ede, Nederland.
- de Jongh, A. (2008, September). EMDR and anxieties. Pre-Congress presentation at the EMDR at the European Congress of Hypnosis, Vienna, Austria .
- de Jongh, A. (2008, September). EMDR and phobias: Treatment of fears and phobias with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)[EMDR bei angst: Und panikstörungen]. Pre-Congress presentation at the European Congress of Hypnosis, Vienna, Austria.
- Shapiro, F., Hurley, E. C., de Roos, C., Horst, F., de Jongh, A., & Hornsveld, H. (2013, April). Current research on eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Presentation at the Anxiety Disorders and Depression Conference, La Jolla, CA.